Nakladatelství Hejkal / Podzimní knižní veletrh
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Virtuální veletrh - kniha

Vystavovatel:Tomáš Pfeiffer DIMENZE 2+2 PRAHA
Název knihy:BYTÍ - EXISTENCE - A Philosophy for Life
Autor:Josef Zezulka
Distributor:Tomáš Pfeiffer DIMENZE 2+2 PRAHA
Rok vydání:2008
Měsíc vydání:3
Počet stran:216
prodejní cena:
200,- Kč
Anotace:Josef Zezulka was born on 30th March, 1912 in Brno; he lived and worked in Prague, Czech Republic. At Easter 1945, at his 33, his life was unusually and mysteriously changed. He experienced an extraordinary state of open consciousness. He said: "It was as if I recalled something I had known before and forgotten". He received two gifts. The gift of spirit - to know the truth of life law directly without learning and mediators, and the gift of healing. This book is a result of the gift of spirit, by which he elaborated the philosophy of Existence and he also established biotronics as a healing discipline and soon became a healer, a biotronic - sanator of a world format. He demonstrated to doctors successful healings of the most serious illnesses and saved many people by masterful healing of cancer. Despite disfavour of state ideology he was also successful abroad.
There are many books that are results of scientific work, intuition, story telling etc. This book is the expression of the freedom of two-pole world, after all, the gift of spirit is not to be found everywhere, it is given once in about 2000 years. But this up to you to consider, dear reader.
Žánr:odborná literatura a učebnice (česká i překladová)
Za zveřejněné údaje odpovídají vystavovatelé, s výjimkou rubriky Akce na veletrhu, kde čas a místo konání potvrzuje vedení Podzimního knižního veletrhu.

PhDr. Markéta Hejkalová,  Dolní 153, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod
tel. 569 424 115, e-mail

Stav: Nepřihlášen - přihlásit

od 7.10.2007
Aktualizováno: 01. září 2016